О. Фриш. Санскритская хрестоматия. В 2 томах

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Фриш Читанка

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Оглавление I тома

Hymns of the ṛgveda

  1. ṛgveda I.1 A prayer to Agni 5
  2. ṛgveda II, 12 A hymn on Indra 6
  3. ṛgveda V, 83 The god of rain 7
  4. ṛgveda VI, 55 To pūṣan 8
  5. ṛgveda VI, 71 A hymn on savitar 9
  6. ṛgveda VII, 103 A formula bring about rain 10
  7. ṛgveda IX, 112 Various human wishes 11
  8. ṛgveda X, 10 The twins yama and yamī 11
  9. ṛgveda X, 85, 42-47 Nuptial sayings 13
  10. ṛgveda X, 95 purūravas and ūrvaśī 13
  11. ṛgveda X, 117 praise of liberality 15
  12. ṛgveda X, 125 To the goddess of speech 16
  13. ṛgveda X, 127 Night 17
  14. ṛgveda X, 129 The origin of the world 18
  15. ṛgveda X, 168 The god of wind 18
  16. ṛgveda X, 173 For the strengthening of kingly power 19

Hymns of the atharvaveda

  1. atharvaveda II, 28 Against leprosy 20
  2. atharvaveda III, 30 A wish for a long life 20
  3. atharvaveda V, 19, 6-15 Blessing of a stable 21
  4. atharvaveda VI, 64 Be concordant 21
  5. atharvaveda VI, 86 Against the despoiler of priestly property 22
  6. atharvaveda VI, 126 A desire for concord 23
  7. atharvaveda VI, 130 The celebration of a king 23
  8. atharvaveda VI, 131 A wish for Victory 24
  9. atharvaveda VI, 142 Two magic spells of love 24
  10. atharvaveda VII, 12 A prayer for good crops 25
  11. atharvaveda XII, 1, 44-54 A prayer for eloquence 25
  12. A hymn to mother Earth ?? 26

The brāhmaṇas and the upaniṣads

  1. aitareya brāhmaṇa 8, 7 Coronation ceremonies 27
  2. jaiminīya brāhmaṇa I, 22-25 A learned dispute 28
  3. jaiminīya brāhmaṇa I, 167 Why there is summer and winter 31
  4. maitrāyaṇī saṃhitā I, 5, 12 Two legends 32
  5. maitrāyaṇī saṃhitā I, 10, 13 The dispute between Speech and Mind 32
  6. śatapatha brāhmaṇa I, 4, 5, 8-12 The creation of the world 33
  7. gopatha brāhmaṇa I, 1, 1-2 A ceremony for purification 34
  8. kauṣītakī upaniṣad II, 7 The transition of one into the other 34
  9. kauṣītakī upaniṣad II, 12-13 A dog allegory 35
  10. chāndogya upaniṣad I, 12 puruṣa in the eye 36
  11. chāndogya upaniṣad IV, 15 The teaching of uddālaka 37
  12. chāndogya upaniṣad VI, 1-6 The constituents of man 40
  13. taittirīya upaniṣad (bhṛguvallī) 1-6 The doctrine about the reward for deeds 42
  14. bṛhadāraṇyaka upaniṣad II, 2, 13 Moral precepts 42
  15. bṛhadāraṇyaka upaniṣad V, 2 The dispute of the senses 43
  16. bṛhadāraṇyaka upaniṣad VI, I, 7-13 What is brahma 44
  17. kena upaniṣad I, 4-8 ??

The mahābhārata

  1. mahābhārata (crit. ed.) I, 151, 1-24 Arjuna kills a giant 45
  2. mahābhārata (crit. ed.) I, 160-163 The tale told by a Gandharva 47
  3. mahābhārata (crit. ed.) IV, 13, 1-21 An unsuitable courtship 58
  4. mahābhārata (crit. ed.) V, 62, 6-18 Exhortation to concord 60
  5. mahābhārata (M. ed.) XII, 34, 1-37 The appearing of cārvāka 62
  6. mahābhārata (M. ed.) XII, 61, 1-39 Manu as the first king 66
  7. mahābhārata (M. ed.) XIII, 2, 56-106 The tale of Oghavatī 70
  8. bhagavadgītā II, 31-38 A specimen from Bhagavadgītā 76

The rāmāyaṇa (ed. Bombay)

  1. rāmāyaṇa I, 5, 5-23 The description of the city Ayodhyā 77
  2. rāmāyaṇa I, 63, 22-26 : 64, 1-20 Viśvāmitra repents 78
  3. rāmāyaṇa I, 67, 1-27 Rāma stretches the bow 81
  4. rāmāyaṇa II, 18, 1-41 Rāma is banished 84
  5. rāmāyaṇa V, 1, 1-80 Hanumant flies across the sea 88
  6. rāmāyaṇa VI, 60, 4-8, 12-80 The giant kumbhakarṇa 95
  7. rāmāyaṇa VII, 75, 13-19 : 76, 1-7 Rāma kills a penitent 102
  8. rāmāyaṇa VII, 111, 1-7 The celebration of the poem 104

The pañcatantra

  1. tantrākhyāyikā IV, 1 The onion thief 105
  2. pañcatantra (t. simplicior) V, 13 Inquire all the time 105
  3. pañcatantra (t. ornatior) I, 29 Good produces good 106
  4. pañcatantra (t. ornatior) II, 1 Bird with two necks 107
  5. pañcatantra (t. ornatior) III, 5 The serpent and the ants 107
  6. pañcatantra (t. ornatior) III, 14 It is necessary first to make sure 108
  7. pañcatantra (ed. Hertel 1906) I, 5 Good advice 109
  8. pañcatantra (ed. Hertel 1906) I, 6 The lion and the hare 109
  9. pañcatantra (ed. Hertel 1906) I, 12 A woman with two lovers 110
  10. pañcatantra (ed. Hertel 1906) I, 14 Two friends 111
  11. hitopadeśa II, 4 Ghostly ringing 113
  12. hitopadeśa IV, 3 Caught 114
  13. hitopadeśa IV, 9 He believed others more than himself 114

From the other narrative Literature

  1. vetālapañcaviṃśati II The girl who was brought to life 115
  2. śukasaptati (t. simplicior) XV The ordeal 116
  3. śukasaptati (t. simplicior) XL The won wager 118
  4. siṃhāsana-dvātriṃśikā V A trustworthy servant 119
  5. bharaṭaka-dvātriṃśikā 6-7 Two events of plaited monks 121
  6. bhoja-prabandha 174 The test of a poet 122
  7. kathāsarit-sāgara 61, 62 The Indian anecdotes 123
  8. kathāsarit-sāgara 66, 110-133 A rogue as minister 127
  9. jinakīrti- pālagopāla-kathānaka V, 174-182 The adventures of pāla 130

kāvya — poetry

  1. bhāsa- abhiṣeka-nāṭaka, aṅka 6 An epical scene from a drama 131
  2. sūdraka- mṛcchakaṭika, aṅka 1 The introduction to a drama 133
  3. kālidāsa — raghuvaṃśa I, 13-30 An exemplary king 134
  4. kālidāsa- meghadūta 1-4 The message of a cloud 136
  5. amaru-śataka (random selections) Love poetry 136
  6. bhartṛhari- śṛṅgāra-śataka (random selections) Voices of renunciation 137
  7. jayadeva- gītagovinda- prab. 9 A mission to Kṛṣna 138
  8. kalhaṇa- rājataraṅgiṇī II, 17-29 The description of a famine 139
  9. daṇḍin- daśakumāracarita (?) The story of a prince 140
  10. bāṇa- harṣacarita 6 Examples of incautiousness 142

Buddhist texts

  1. aśvaghoṣa, buddhacarita XIII, 2-18 Buddha tempted by Māra 144
  2. dharma-samuccaya I, 11-19 A collection of sayings 146
  3. divyāvadāna XXVII Kunāla’s eyes 147
  4. āryasūtra- jātakamālā 12 The teacher tests his pupils 148
  5. kṣemendra- avadānakalpalatā 85, 6-14 A good king 152

The Law books — philosophy etc.

  1. Gautama-dharmasūtra — haradatta XII, 1-5 The punishment of sūdras 153
  2. gobhila-gṛhyasūtra II, 8 The name of a newly born child 155
  3. mānava-dharmaśāstra IX, 1-30 A chapter on women 155
  4. śukranīti, IV, 5, 43-50 Ancient customs 158
  5. kauṭilīya- arthaśāstra 65 A chapter on slaves 159
  6. bṛhaddevatā III, 142-150 Vedic legends 161
  7. garuḍa-purāṇa 115 A chapter on proverbs 162
  8. haribhadra- ṣaḍdarśana-samuccaya : lokāyatamata The doctrine of bṛhaspati 170
  9. sāyaṇa-mādhava- sarvadarśana-saṃgraha- cārvāka-darśana Indian materialism 173


Оглавление II тома
